Monday, October 03, 2005


Oh well after looking forward to the GT IV i got
knocked out early. The overbet , got me again.
Final Hand blinds , 50-100, one limper late position,
button raises to 900, button is quite aggressive,
kinda loose. I have Ks in the sb, could re-raise, but
better value in calling i belive. Everyone folds,
2K in the pot. Flop comes 9-5s-2s, I bet 1K, he goes
all in for 10K, I have about the same. The hand i prolly
should have considered more was the flush draw, but
i was thinking he had a pair pre-flop, so if he didnt
have aces then i was ahead of any medium pair 10s,Js
Qs. Didnt really think he had a set, considering
the size of the bet, I called he had 5s, all over.
Woops, tough one to lay down , esp to loose player
there. Ks ran into As for belfrage later, and that was
the end, anptjer few months to the next gt.


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